On Monday my patience was gone. I convinced Mo to have a test sleep in our new bedroom. It was great to finally be able to sleep in a bedroom again after just over a year of sleeping in the corner of the living room behind a cabinet. The new mattress was very firm, completely on the other end of the firmness spectrum from the mattresses we had slept on the last few months, which we both agreed where to soft.
The next morning we made a list of all the things, small and big that still needed to be done. After this night I was extra motivated. So things like putting the handles on the drawers, putting a ceiling in the toilet, working some wires in the ceiling, putting some finishing walls in the sliding door cabinet all went pretty quickly and than Mo got an email that our sliding doors where ready to be picket up. So I went to pick them up with Jan and discover new shabby corners of Tallinn. After I had put in the first door I was not happy, it seamed the floor was round in the middle and the doors did not want to be adjusted straight. Learning from the past I left it for the next day.
The next day became a few days later as there where a few very warm days, so we took the opportunity to take out the the windows to fix them up a bit and paint them. I did the fixing upping and Mo did the painting. I decided to try to clean the handles and hinges, which turned out great.
Then I put in the other set of sliding doors, this time it went much smoother and I also found the stopper strips, which helped a lot to keep the doors in it’s place. After that I readjusted the first set of doors and they now look perfect when the doors are closed, when opened you will see the floor is weird, but that is the charm of an old house.
We wanted to have the inside of the closet white as well, so Mo spend a few hours doing so. As a last thing this week I finally got a satisfying way to finish the connection between the old and the new wood, but cutting a piece of old wood to size and filling a small strip I cut of the new wood. I am super happy with the result.
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