As I already mentioned earlier, I saw a great greenhouse at Nastja and Rainers place on my way back from the Netherlands. After I showed the picture to Mo, so was instantly convinced this would be a good idea for a greenhouse, way better then those straight forward, bought things.
While checking out the design I can across a very handy website that calculates the exact measurements of your dome depending on how you want to make it. With these exact measurements with double angles to saw and a lot of them, I started by making a sawing jig. After the first test cuts I could start the 130 double angled corners. For the entire project I created 3 sawing jigs.
Month: April 2021
Garden work
And then the days start getting longer again, the sun gets more power, so time to prepare the garden for the next season. On my way from the Netherlands I had gotten a lot of seeds from Nastja and Rainer (together with a great design for a greenhouse, which will sure be copied this spring), so time to sow. Mo took care of that while I ordered the border garden next to the fence on the side of the house.
The next day we went to see Mo’s mother to get some cut offs from plants and while we where doing that the neighbor lady also offered some plants, so plenty of stuff to put in the garden. Excited to see how they will grow.
Helping out friends
After an pretty unexpected trip to the Netherlands to pick up a Citroen Jumpy, and while I had all that space, also a bunch of stuff from my house there and a few bikes for the boys, I picket up Ulf and Hanna from Cologne who where coming to Estonia to help out in the apartment of Hanna’s mother. They had asked me to help out with the capital renovation of the bathroom.
Ulf had planned, designed and ordered everything for the past weeks and with the van it was easy to pick it up at ABC, Ikea and other places.
The apartment is a good example of the bad soviet build quality in combination with other factors. Long story short, this was a true metamorphose. I am glad I could help out!
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