Liquor cabinet and hanging art

It seems this is the year of work in the odd months, as again in June not much worth mentioning was done. We just enjoyed the nice weather, ate a lot in the garden and where happy in our great home.

In July we went on vacation, during which we collected all kinds of alcoholic beverages from the different countries we have visited and on the way back we also got a bunch of drinks from the Super Alco on the Latvian border. The price differences where impressive. But back at home there was the question where to store all these bottle.

We found the chimney wall next to the heater would be a good place. I showed Mo the shelving system I know from every time we moved home back in the Netherlands and combined with some nice oak shelves, we soon had a very nice liquor cabinet.

I also brought the art piece by Ed from the Netherlands and we thought it would look nice against the dark blue wall in the stairway. So months after I had bought the art rail I finally put it up. Another nice finishing touch.

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