During the cold season I had noticed some cooler spots in the floor heating. I figured it had to do with the proximity of the stone foundation, so to improve that one of the next steps would be to insulate the foundation.
Since I wanted to get the back porch ready before winter, it made sense to insulate the foundation under the porch before I would start building it. So I started digging until I found the bottom of the foundation -which sure wasn’t as deep as I had thought- and place the insulation against the stones. The insulation cut surprisingly good on the table saw, so I could put a slight taper on it for the water to easy flow off, though at some point a metal slate might be even better.
With the insulation in place, I was able to build the frame and finish off with the decking. The garden bench of my grandparents fit exactly on the wall side and the barbecue fit nicely on the other side.

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