August was the month that broke the odd months only work on the house trend.
First I finished the wooden shell of the front dormer. But then the exciting part started. Well exciting for the anticipated result, not the work. We started scraping off the paint from the back of the house.
It went pretty easy, as the paint had been weathered more then good for it, but surprisingly on the entire wall there were no bad spots except for one small edge at the bottom, although there the wood was still hard, so it seems the damage had a different cause.
With the paint off the house already looked better, but it also showed the need for some finishing touches like the frame around the doors. I did the back door and the utility room door and then came to moment to get the paint. I went to see Majatochter to check out their linseed oil based paints. The paint is significantly more expensive, but it should use much less and unlike the modern paint who seal off the wood, this paint lets the wood breath. Something to consider.
But first the dormer on the back needed a finishing cover. I used the scaffolding as a long ladder, which made it easy to work on the dormer. Another one of these amazing finishing touches.
And then the weekend came where we would start painting. We did decide on the Allback paint. The first layer took more effort then expected. The wood was so dry, it seemed to suck up the paint as soon as the brush touched it. But the result of the first day was amazing.
The next day I also painted the veranda and it started to become a unity, this new wood painted a lot easier.
The weekend after we put on the white paint for the frames and windows. This was the change that made an even bigger difference. The contrast between the yellow and white and the black roof over it. Wow, just wow!
We looked up an old picture of the back of the house and the transformation is just amazing!
At the end of the month I bought a 3D-printer. It was on my wish list for already 10 years and now I found a heavily upgraded one on the company marketplace. Let’s see what I will be using this for in the upcoming months. At least I have a rain measuring device I finally want to finish.

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