
So, the plan was to dig out an extra layer of sand from under the floor, so we could place the styrofoam insulation plates as a base for the concrete floor.

Well, we got a lot of digging, as most of the ground was either a light stone, which only came loose with the pick, or some ground mixed with some concrete, where we would need the pick again.

The good thing was that the sand that we took out filled up the garden very nicely, so it seems we do not need to order dirt to fill up the much lower part of the garden.

To not be digging all the time we decided to also organize the stones that where still laying in the garden after we had to take them out of the container.

In the evening we went to see the memorial for the 22.000 Estonian people that have been deported to Siberia by the Soviets in 1949. A very impressive view.

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