Smart home and heater problem

With the washing machine in the far corner of the house, you do not hear it at all. Which is good when it runs, but then you also don’t notice it is done. While working on home automation projects I came across a project where any washing machine can be made smarter by adding a SonOff POW. It measures the power use and once that is below a set threshold you can set a notification. I had ordered a SonOff POW and this week I made a test setup. It seems the average voltage in the house is between 237 and 242 volts.
On Wednesday the burner wash in error mode, something it has done a few times over the past months, but after a reset it would recover. But this time it did not. After a few phone calls a technician came in to check it out. He took out the burn cup which turned out to be full of pellets (after resetting the heater a few times, where every time it loads more pellets) He emptied the burning cup, cleaned ot out a bit, but it back and it all worked again. Lets hope this was an incident.
During the weekend I was on the roof again as there was a tiny little leak left. And because I could not finish the last part of the insulation untill I had confirmed this last leak was closed also, I started to take measurements for the wood that would cover the ceiling of the bed room.

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