Jon-Paul contacted me if he could borrow my chainsaw. This gave me a good reason to fix it. As it stopped working out of the blue at some point. I took it apart and removed a lot of dust which on its own was already worth it.
With the help of DuckDuckGo and a multi-meter I concluded the capacitor was broken. Of to the Makita specialist. They did not seem interested. According to them the chainsaw was to old and the did not have this part, as a matter of fact ‘they often take it out as it has no use’.
I found another specialist who turned out to be much more friendly, they where impressed this old machine was still going strong, checked the computer for the part and concluded they could not get it anymore. To bad, but they did win me as a client for future needs.
Since the part is ‘just is 250V capacitor’ I figures I try my luck with an electronics store and that was a good call. I put the capacitor in and after a few tries the chainsaw was working like a charm again. This has cost me some time and a 2 euro part. The sheer satisfaction of repairing something!
Back in the studio, the walls and ceiling where placed quickly; another great metamorphoses of a room.

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