Raised beds and a compost bin

As the garden beds in the back of the garden have not been very successful so far, Mo asked if I could build some raised beds. I decided to use new wood for this, so after a visit to Puumarket, I could quickly build 2 raised beds lined with root cloth. They were mostly filled with the compost from the old compost pile with a top layer of peat dirt. Mo planted the first seeds in it and a week later she stained the wood with a yellow lacquer. Meanwhile I replace one of the legs of the picnic table. Now it could finally stand stable without a rock under the rotten leg.

Upon reading the final regulations regarding organic waste, we found out an open compost pile was only allowed for garden waste. Kitchen waste needed to be collected in a bought compost bin. After some online research, we got a simple one that would meet the regulations, it was delivered within a day and easy to assemble. I put it in front of the old shed next to the three stage composter and sent a picture to prove we have a compost bin and do not need a green container with a subscription for having it emptied. 

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