Tonight I planned to remove the last remaining wall parts of the kitchen and shower. Do be able to do so I needed to remove or at least reroute some electricity cable. I decided to use this opportunity to make at least one trustworthy power cable.
I traced back a nice think cable to the fuse box and planned to detach it from there and connect it to one of the circuit breakers I found in the kitchen. Since it was night time I did not disconnect the power. When started to unscrew the neutral wire, my insulated screw driver did touch a phase wire that was close by and missing some insulation. I nice spark and a scare.
I managed to rewire the the cable to its own circuit breaker and now I had my first ‘safe’ power socket.
It is totally amazing with how much creativity this electrical installation has been connected. It seems they just picked a wire and connected it without looking at any colour coding.
After that the last pieces of the wall came down pretty easy. Another fruitful day!
After a lovely dinner at home, I enjoyed the digital Estonian society by applying for a contract with Eesti Energia and Tallina Vesi, the electricity and water company.
Just before write this update I checked out the insulation material my dad had found out about: A 19 layer insulation foil by IsoDiscount with a very high R-value of 5.80! I am pretty sure I will investigate if I can get this product here in Estonia, as this 35 mm thick product insulates almost double as good as the 10 cm traditional insulation material I had my eye on so far.

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