During the week it was beautiful spring weather. So every tree got a change to loose a lot of access branches. Unfortunately this wood cannot be use in the pellet heater, and as we where getting low on pellets I ordered another pallet. If all goes according to plan that should last us till the prices drop again early summer.
With the corona crisis going on, I figured I better get some bulk plaster plate and some other building materials just to be sure I can continue building, even when construction stores will be closed as well. The plan was to use Mati’s trailer, but with a coworker that was tested positive that plan failed. ABC charged 88 euro to move the order the 2,5 km, which I thought was to much, especially for a bit order like this. Good thing Voldemar tipped me that the new online car rental CityBee also has vans, so I got an account, added drivers license, selfie and payment method and I was good to go. There was a van in front of PuuMarket, in between our house and ABC, so no access km chargers. The car unlocks with the app and I must say I am happy with the service. (Follow the link above for 5 euro of your first ride if you are a new customer) Marc and Mattias helped to load and unload the material and after and hour and 9 minutes and 5 km the order was in the garage for 13,51. Much better than that ABC’s offer.
Later on I started with the insulation of the bedroom wall facing the neighbors.

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