After I took Friday off, this weekend, I planned to finish the demolition and clean up, so the house is ready for insulation, new electricity, canalization and more.
I started in the smaller part of the house, which will be the future bathroom, sauna and washing room. When I was done demolishing the last stuff, I decided to check if the door in the back would open with one of the keys that I had found. One of the keys fit and after I removed a screw from the outside the door opened pretty easy. This saved a lot of time to get everything out. Since we do not have a new container yet, I decided to collect it on separate piles under the roof behind the garage.
When I took of some ceiling covering and insulation I found a rotten part in the ceiling that came out very easy. (It was situated under the access hedge for the small chimney.) At the final cleanup I also found some floor boards which had seen better times. These are the first bad parts in find in the house, and they are relative easy to replace, so I am pretty happy.
When I wanted to move the wood to the wood storage I was not happy with the way it was stacked. Because of all the nails, it was pretty messy, so I decided to invest some time and take out the nails.
This took longer then expected, but in the end all the wood including a few dozen planks I added took less space then all the wood before. This organizing can be very satisfying.

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