Another day of finishing off. Plus I wanted to connect the outdoor lamp and install a motion sensor to turn it on. And since the security camera should go at about the same place. I would install that as well.
To prepare for the installation I took out the last pieces of ceiling and some of the wall covering consisting of a layer of hard and some plaster plate. before you got to the wooden wall covered by some black cardboard I had found before.
The actual installation of the light took more time then I liked. It was -6, but the wind made it feel as -15, so it was not the most pleasant time to be outside and working with gloves on sure has it’s effect on the fine movements. For the camera I needed to drill a hole. I picked a spot near the original hole of the power cable only to find out the drill was not long enough. So I drilled inwards from the outside. I still could not see through. When I poked with a long metal rod I found out that exactly in the middle of the wall where the drill met there was another layer of the black cardboard. I punched through and then I could take the wires through the wall. The wall was about double the thickness I expected. This makes my preference for the thin insulation foil even stronger. Let’s see if I can find out about the availability in Estonia this week.
Once the light and the camera where working I found out the camera picked up a bit to much of the light, which blocked the view to the gate, so later on I have to lower the light a bit.
Time flew and after taking down some more left over pieces of ceiling it was time to go home already. No need to ask what I have to do later this week.

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