A nice repair and a hard start

Before I could finish the back wall of the toilet I first needed to stabilize the wall that I had moved last weekend. It took some time to get the right parts, bit then when I put it together it seemed to work as I had intended. After the repair was done, I filled the remaining space with PU foam, which should help in stabilizing. I am looking forward to this weekend when it should be fully hardened.

After the repair was done, I could start on the dividing wall. PuuMarket made it very easy to exchange the leftover metal stud for the narrower dividing wall studs. Bauhof had a great deal on some full wooden doors in the same style as the existing doors in the house.

When I started to measure how to put the wall and the doors, I found out it would be better to first put plaster plate on the exterior walls, so all in all the wall building did not go very smoothly. I mainly moved the floor heating divider to a more permanent board.

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