This week was a week with an extra free day, as it was re-independence day on Tuesday. So after I tried some first filling of holes and connections of the plaster plates with Rotband (which was coarser then I was used to in the Netherlands) I put in a ceiling in the toilet on Tuesday. Because it was nice weather I also straightened the front yard an sowed clover there. This was a nice tip of an acquaintance, who told it does not grow tall, so you don’t have to mow it and it has nice flowers that also attract bees, so the choice was easy.
During the weekend Jeff helped getting more plaster plate and I changed the pressure vessel from the heating system from laying horizontal to hanging vertical, as that was what it said on the vessel and it was not performing as expected.
Month: August 2019
The doors and sauna insulation
Monday the week started with taking out the door frames and taking of 2,5 cm from the top so the doors would fit in nicely. Even though it was a bit annoying this had to be done since apparently there are two different standard sizes, the result was very rewarding.
Tuesday I started to put in the first rows of sauna insulation panels. They work very nice, so pretty soon I had 3 layers done. The next day I put in the last layer and we started to check where to put the sauna benches. As the sauna is a bit higher then average, there is an option for a 3rd high bench, but we wanted to know if this would fit.
Then another evening was spend taping all the seems between the insulation plates.
Saturday we went to check out the wood for the sauna wall at Puumarket as sometimes you just need to see how something looks and not just rely on measurements. After that we picked up some parts from ABC so I could hang the toilet sink. In the afternoon I made the floor tiles for the utility room fit, so I could put them in on Sunday.
Before putting in the tiles I picket up some glass fibre wall ‘paper’ at K-Raute as they had 30% off and I received a gift certificate for the store and a trash bin at Bauhaus which was very nicely on sale.
A leaking roof and start of the sauna
Monday after work we went to a sauna specialist to get some information on what we would need to build a sauna. And as if often goes when you go to a shop as a foreigner, you get advised very expensive stuff and when you ask about an other stove that is half the price, they bend in all kinds of ways to explain why the expensive one is better (which it might be, but mainly when you have long sauna nights with a group of people). Anyway, I did not get much more information as I already had gotten from a nice document I found on the Harvia website.
After the all the nice weather from the last weeks, it was finally raining and a bit surprising we had a leaking roof again. So we put some bucket and marked where it was leaking, so when it is dry I can fix that
Before anything else, the floor needs to be in the sauna, so on Wednesday I started with the floor.
On Saturday morning I climbed on the room and found the moss was so dry after the past hot weeks that it had let through water through some holes I found under the dried moss. After I scratched off the moss it was an easy fix.
In the afternoon we picked up the sauna insulation with integrated aluminium coating. besides we got a sink for the toilet and I got myself a miter saw as ABC had another one of there 25% off days.
On Sunday I finally put in the network cable to the boiler.

Three tons of pellets and the chimney
At the start of the week I replied to a request of a German guy in town who needed someone to put in a few tiles in his bathroom. I agreed to stop by and see what would be possible. He turned out to be very handy, so we decided I would teach him how to tile and borrow him my tools.
On August 1st 3 pallets with bags of pellets where delivered. A ton per pallet. It was estimated this should be enough for about a year. Next year we will know if this actually will be enough, so we can also make a calculation of how much our heating and hot water will cost us.
This week we had Annemiek and her family over for dinner and later on for tea. Always nice to have visitors from the Netherlands stopping by.
As the pellets cannot stay outside we moved them inside during the weekend. Jon-Paul was a great help. We also visited the construction store to check out the sinks for in the toilet and some replacement part for shower.
On Sunday I finished the shower. Connecting the last electrical wires gave us also coloured lights. There are also some minor things to fix some time in the future, but nothing that will stop us enjoying the shower fully from now on. Before going to bed I tried the steam shower. It is a nice feature that I think I will use on occasion.

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