Bathroom windows

The shed is cleaned up, so it was clear the glass in the outside window needs to be replaced. Some are cracked, one has a little hole and one has some spray paint on it. So on to the glass store. Of course also the frame needed some attention, but it was mainly sanding and painting. Something that could be done on my new workbench.

With the new glass in place, we started talking about the inner window. I suggested to use frosted glass at the bottom to get some privacy in the bathroom, but Mo thought that was a bit boring. We talked a bit more and 10 minutes later we had thought up a nice alternative. A window inspired by Mondriaan and Mo’s Mondriaan inspired wedding dress. Another half an hour later a sketch on scale was made and even a bit later I had drawn it on the wall and card board/windows. That showed we needed a little adjustment, to have the tiles match the floor tiles. Great plans, now see if this can be done within a reasonable budget.

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