The floor is in place, that means, we can finally start to build the kitchen!
Although, it has taken some effort to get to that point, as not all parts of the kitchen where in stock in Estonia. After a few weeks of waiting, I started to look for alternatives. Good thing Jan was in the Netherlands with our trailer and I found out he still had some space, so I ordered the missing cabinets and the cooking hub from Ikea Delft, Ramona picked it up and dropped it off and then Jan drove to Estonia. So finally we could at least build the lower part of the kitchen, so we could have the counter top measured, as that would also take another two weeks to arrive.
But first things first, I had to waterproof the seams in the linoleum, so after work I picked up a special toolkit to do this. The manual was not very clear and it turned out the thermostat of the tool was to high, so the first seam did not turn out very nice, good thing it is the one under the cabinets. The rest went pretty smooth and the result was nice.
During the weekend we put up the cabinets. Since I wanted to have a 70 cm countertop and not the standard 60 cm, all cabinets had to stand 10 cm from the wall, so I had to come up with a way to secure them to the wall. With some different brackets, I came to the perfect solution.
And then finally, it was time to paint the kitchen wall. We had picked a special kitchen paint, that can be washed, se we did not have to put in tiles. The result of the first layer was great! This really is going to be a nice kitchen!

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